We would like to invite you to the upcoming STEMI Seminar –

🗓️ Date: Friday, 15 Nov 2024
🕛 Time: 7.30 PM
📍 Address: 237 Alexandra Road, The Alexcier, #03-05, S159929
ℹ️ with Mandarin translation . 📝 RSVP: https://stemi.sg/peter

John 17 is known as the “High Priestly Prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In this prayer we see more closely the godliness of our Savior as He prepared to go to the cross to redeem sinners. This prayer reveals the eternal covenant of redemption between the Father and the Son manifested in His humility and incarnation. What does this prayer mean for us who are in the world but no longer of the world, but like Christ, sent into the world to proclaim His saving glory? .
🔈 Rev. Dr. Peter Lillback (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is president and professor of historical theology and church history at Westminster Theological Seminary. Dr. Lillback’s academic interests include church history, the doctrine of Scripture, public theology, the theology of John Calvin, Johannine Theology, and Christianity as it relates to American history.
约翰福音第 17 章被称为 “主耶稣基督的大祭司祷文”。